A student led society promoting surgery as a career at the University of Aberdeen.
Cardiovascular System Teaching Series
Tue, 15 Mar
|MS Teams
This session in the series will tackle the key and important concepts in the Cardiovascular System.

Time & Location
15 Mar 2022, 19:30
MS Teams
About the Event
Ogston Online Teaching Series: Cardiovascular System
This session in the series will tackle the key and important concepts in the Cardiovascular System. The event will be perfect for our 1st years as revision for their upcoming exams but also a useful refresher for other years. It will consist of a series of case based discussions and SBA type questions led by 3 of our committee members in their final year of medicine on the topics of:
- Acute Coronary Syndrome - Valvular Disease - Stroke/TIA
We will also give the Menti code out on the evening so you can test out your knowledge and answer our SBAs anonymously.
The teaching will be delivered at a level of knowledge required as a medical student and there will be an opportunity for questions at the end.
This event is totally free and all attendees will be eligible for a certificate on completion of feedback.
Sign up for this event is available at: https://forms.gle/dw3zZ5G8kHDKfbqu8
Closer to the event all those who have signed up will be emailed a M.S. Teams link.
See you all there!